Welcome Back 2017/18 Coders

Big Welcome back to all our young coders and hello to all the new members.
This year we have a wide rage of different  coding languages with the young coders working on scratch to
the older kids coding with HTML & CSS, Python ,javascript,DOS its great.


In other news we have more requests for new members to join CoderDojo CIT, we are really sorry to say that we have a very long waiting list that we are trying to address.

Our new Facebook page will have all the latest news so please don’t forget to like and share https://www.facebook.com/CoderDojoCIT/

October 17th Pumpkin Invaders and a Big Break

Pumpkin  Invaders

This week the chispace-invaders-pumpkin-faceldren created a Halloween themed game in scratch.

The aim of the game is to collect the falling pumpkins by moving the witch across the screen with the arrow keys without letting any drop.

If you do you will lose one life for each one you miss.

The longer in the game the higher the score will be.

When all lives are gone the game with end.

Also in gimp we worked with creating abstract pictures using various filters and gradients.

From the family at coderdojo we would like to wish you all a Happy Halloween!

We won’t see you again until November 7th as the college is closed next week and of course Halloween the following week. Enjoy the break.